Singing Guide: Erik Hassle

Singing Guide: Erik Hassle

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Erik Hassle is a Swedish singer and songwriter known for his soulful voice and emotive lyrics. If you're looking to learn how to sing like him, there are a few key elements to his style that you should focus on.

  • Hassle's voice is characterized by a lot of vibrato. This is when a singer oscillates between two pitches, creating a wobbling effect that adds emotional depth to the sound. Singing with vibrato can be tricky at first, but with practice, you can develop the technique. The Singing Carrots Youtube channel has some great exercises to help you get started.
  • Hassle often uses falsetto to contrast against his more powerful and emotive singing, creating a sense of dynamic range in his songs. If you want to develop your falsetto, the Singing Carrots blog has some great tips to get started.
  • Hassle's songwriting often deals with complex emotional themes, and he uses his voice to convey those emotions. Whether he's singing about love, loss, or heartache, he always brings an authentic and vulnerable quality to his performance. If you're looking to learn how to sing with emotion, Singing Carrots has plenty of resources to help you.

To improve your skills and enhance your singing abilities, the Singing Carrots range test can help you determine your optimal vocal range and pair it with songs ideally suited to your level of skill and interest. With the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test and the Vocal Pitch Monitor, you can practice and improve your pitch and tune your voice so that it reaches the level of the leading singers. The pitch training tools can have you hitting every note, running through vocal exercises with pitch visualization and interactive games for range and agility.

By incorporating these tips and utilizing the vast Singing Carrots resources, you can develop a style similar to that of Erik Hassle and elevate your singing skills to new levels.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.